Archive for November 11, 2008

GHOST RADIO crying out: “Buy me!”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on November 11, 2008 by ghostradioworld


Another New Ghost Photo!

Posted in Ghosts, Photos with tags , , , , , , on November 11, 2008 by ghostradioworld

It seems the quality ghost photos are coming fast and furious these days.

This photo, recently posted on the Coast to Coast AM website, seems to show the apparition of a young girl.  You can see “her” in the far right porch window.


The photographer attempted to debunk this image:

I immediately took steps to try to debunk the photo and run through several theories of natural explanations of the image. None of the investigators or homeowners had been present in this room when the photo was taken, nor did they match the description of the possible apparition. I took several more photos of the window from the same spot that I had been standing and had one of the female investigators stand in roughly the same spot to try to see if any deception had been involved. The investigator’s face was clear and not at all blurred like the photo in question. To top this all off, a full size piano and bench was located next to the window which would have needed to be moved for someone to stand in the same spot as the apparition. In the end we were unable to debunk the photo.

Here’s a blow up of the “apparition”:


You can read the photographer’s full story here.

What do you think?  Offer you own supporting or debunking theories in the comments section!

Do You Need a “Sixth Sense” to See Ghosts?

Posted in Ghosts, Psychic Phenomena with tags , , , , , , on November 11, 2008 by ghostradioworld


Every wonder why some people see ghosts and others don’t?  Is it luck, coincidence or something else?

Yesterday the popular paranormal blog Beyond Death argued that it might fall into the latter category, stating that “some type of sixth sense is necessary to see or hear ghosts.”

What do you think?  Is this true, false, or has Beyond Death’s author just been watching too many M. Night Shyamalan movies?  Offer your thoughts in the comments section.

Remember, once your first post is approved by our moderators, you’re free to post on the blog to your heart’s content.

Hong Kong Teens Love GHOST RADIO!

Posted in Reviews with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 11, 2008 by ghostradioworld

Yes, Ghost Radio has gone global!

Popular Hong Kong radio show “Teen Time” picked Ghost Radio as their Hot Pick in books!

Teen Time host Alyson Hau says of Ghost Radio:  “Calling into radio stations has never been so creepy.”

You can listen to the full broadcast here.  It’s on the show dated 20/10/08.


Teen Time’s Host Alyson Hau.