Archive for ufo video

Video: UFO Video From British Archives

Posted in UFOs, Video with tags , , , , , , , on April 14, 2009 by ghostradioworld

Strange lights appear at about the one minute mark, then move into a V formation.

The Youtube poster claims this comes from the British archives, but the voices on the tape are American.

Breaking: UFO or Meteor Crashes in Canada!

Posted in UFOs, Video, Weird Science with tags , , , , , , on November 21, 2008 by ghostradioworld

Video of the event from a police dashboard camera:

Very War of the Worlds!

Although media reports are labeling this a meteor so far that explanation has yet to be confirmed.  No reports on a location of the crash site.  Will update as information becomes available.

Must Watch UFO Video!

Posted in UFOs, Video with tags , , , , on November 9, 2008 by ghostradioworld

Compelling video.

However, the lack of any reference structures make it impossible to judge the object’s size or speed.  The movement of the object looks as though it could be wind-driven, suggesting it might be a balloon of some type.  And the fact that the video ends before the object leaves the screen makes one wonder if the object does something in the remaining part of the video that reveals what it really is.

Still a fascinating piece of tape.

Although the date stamp on the video suggests it was made about a year and a half ago, this is the first we’ve seen of it.  It was posted on youtube several days ago.

Here’s a translation of what’s being said on the video:

Male Voice: Hey!

Female Voice: Yeah honey?

Male Voice: It’s there.

Female Voice: It is?

Male Voice: Yeah, the ones of last year…

Female Voice: Nooo… It’s wonderful!

Male Voice: Shhh… Be quiet, easy…

Female Voice: Take some landmarks!

Male Voice: Ehh… Landmarks my ass… landmarks… Be quiet, wait… here… wait… look! … watch it’s closer, hurry!

Female Voice: Noo, how big is it?

Male Voice: Hurry, call grandma, quick. HURRY!

Female Voice: Yeah yeah, I’m going!

Male Voice: It goes away! sh*t! It goes away! It goes away! It goes away!

What do you think?  Discuss this compelling video in the comments section.