Archive for Emily Watson

Video: Trailer for Spielberg’s “Falling Skies”!

Posted in Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror, Television, UFOs, Video with tags , , , , , , , , , on December 28, 2010 by ghostradioworld

Here’s the trailer for the TNT sci-fi series “Falling Skies” created by Robert Rodat (Saving Private Ryan, The Patriot) and produced by Steven Spielberg.  Doesn’t look like the most original series in world.  Lots of “V”, War of the Worlds and Independence Day in there.  But still looks like quite a bit of fun.

But our opinions aren’t that important.  What do you think?  Is this the type of series you want to see?  Does this trailer get you get you psyched for the series?  Share your thoughts in the comments section.

You also might want to check the official site here.  Not only does it include more info on the show, but some interesting web comics: