Archive for rich johnston

Is the Next “Doctor Who” Companion Aisling Loftus?!?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on March 20, 2012 by ghostradioworld

Tomorrow Steven Moffat will hold a press conference to announce the new “Doctor Who” companion.  And right now the smart is on relative unknown Aisling Loftus (above).  Her highest profile role to date was as “Arrietty Clock” in recent BBC adaptation of the classic children’s book “The Borrowers” which aired in late 2011.  And she certainly fits Daily Mail writer’s tweet:

BBC source has confirmed to me they will unveil new Doctor Who assistant tmrow. She is “pretty” but “not household name”.

But Loftus is not the only name being foisted.   Rumors continue that comedian  Miranda Hart may have role in the upcoming series, possibly as a companion.  While others still cling to the notion that Sophia Myles will return in her role as Madame Pompadour.  Now as a full time companion.  There is a lot of evidence mounting up that she will play a role in the new series.  Our pals at Bleeding Cool have a nice rundown of that here.  But like them we’re highly skeptical of this.

Who would you like to be the Doctor’s next Tardis teammate? Share your thoughts in the comment section.  And, don’t worry, we’ll be here tomorrow with the news and our assessment as soon as it breaks.  In fact, we may be back before then, if any little birds whisper in our ears.

Action Comics #2 Sells Out!

Posted in Comics, Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror with tags , , , , , , , on September 30, 2011 by ghostradioworld

According to Bleeding Cool, Action Comics #2, one of the hottest comics of DC’s recent relaunch, has “gone to back order”.  This means retailers cannot order any more copies and have any certainty they will receive them by street date.  The comic is written by Grant Morrison with art by Rags Morales.

The TV Speaks to Simon Pegg!

Posted in Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror, Television, Weird News with tags , , , , on January 14, 2010 by ghostradioworld

Most of us would be called crazy if we said our TV was talking to us.  But not geek icon Simon Pegg.  Huh, you say?  But it’s true.  At least in the case of a recent showing of “Glee” on E4.

We now turn you over to our pal Rich at Bleeding Cool who tells the story better than we could:

Okay, that was just weird. Tonight, E4, a relatively small British TV channel owned by Channel 4 (and broadcasters of Misfits), is showing the pilot and first season episode of US TV show Glee. Simon Pegg. star/writer of Spaced, Shaun Of The Dead, Paul and more is watching and tweets;

About to get into the wonderful world of Glee on E4, starring the brilliant Jane Lynch. Heard so many good things. Here we go.

Half an hour in he adds;

Love it so far.

Then, in the break between episodes, the E4 continuity voice pops up, telling people there’s the next episode coming up and not to go anywhere.

“Keep watching, especially you Simon Pegg.”

Simon Pegg freaks slightly. Well, wouldn’t you?

I’m so freaked out, the TV just spoke to me personally. That hasn’t happened since it asked me to kill all those nuns in 1995.

I think anyone else who was watching should pretend that we all got an individual message and that it’s a new service from E4. Just to freak Simon out even more.

Hmmm … it seems E4 continuity guys are Twitter fans.