Archive for meteor video

Update: Canadian Meteor Debris Found, Another Meteor Spotted in Seattle

Posted in Weird Science with tags , , , , , , on December 1, 2008 by ghostradioworld

Scientists Find Meteor Debris in Canada


LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta (AP) — Scientists said Friday they had found remains of a meteor that illuminated the sky before falling to earth in western Canada earlier this month.

University of Calgary scientist Alan Hildebrand and graduate student Ellen Milley found several meteor fragments near the Battle River along the rural Alberta-Saskatchewan border, near the city of Lloydminster late Thursday.

They said there could be thousands of meteorite pieces strewn over a 7-square-mile area of mostly flat, barren land, with few inhabitants.

Residents in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta have been buzzing about the huge fireball that lit up the night sky over the three provinces on Nov. 20. Witnesses reported hearing sonic boom rumblings and said the fiery flash was as bright as the sun.

Read the rest of the article here.

Meanwhile ….

Meteor Lights up Thanksgiving Day


SEATTLE — They say timing is everything. Boy, were we lucky.

Our Queen Anne Tower camera just happened to be rolling on air during KOMO 4 News at 5 a.m. and captured a meteor fireball streaking across the Seattle sky.

Just as anchor Mike Dardis was welcoming viewers back form a commercial break at 5:15, there went the shooting star right on cue.

Read the rest of the article and watch video here.

Also check out our other posts on this story here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

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Breaking: UFO or Meteor Crashes in Canada!

Posted in UFOs, Video, Weird Science with tags , , , , , , on November 21, 2008 by ghostradioworld

Video of the event from a police dashboard camera:

Very War of the Worlds!

Although media reports are labeling this a meteor so far that explanation has yet to be confirmed.  No reports on a location of the crash site.  Will update as information becomes available.