Archive for meteor crashes in canada

Update: Site of Canadian Meteor Crash Debated!

Posted in Weird Science with tags , , , , , , , , on November 22, 2008 by ghostradioworld

Experts divided on site of meteor crash

CTV News Staff


Researchers say the fireball that blazed across the Prairie sky Thursday evening was most likely a meteor, but expert’s opinions about where – and if – the galactic object hit the Earth are divided.

Hundreds of residents of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba reported seeing the bright light, which was also captured on security cameras.


The stunning images show the sky light up as a bright point of light blazes into view, then disappears over the horizon.

Read the rest of the article here.

Interesting that they still won’t catagorically claim it’s a meteor.

Breaking: UFO or Meteor Crashes in Canada!

Posted in UFOs, Video, Weird Science with tags , , , , , , on November 21, 2008 by ghostradioworld

Video of the event from a police dashboard camera:

Very War of the Worlds!

Although media reports are labeling this a meteor so far that explanation has yet to be confirmed.  No reports on a location of the crash site.  Will update as information becomes available.