Archive for tween demographic

TWILIGHT Scores $70 Million Opening!

Posted in Movies, Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror with tags , , , , , on November 24, 2008 by ghostradioworld


As the weekend draws to a close, studios place Twilight’s opening weekend haul at $70.6 million.

Whether you’re a fan of the novels or not, this is great news for the YA novel market, for the horror market, and for the tween and teen girl demographics.  And it proves once again that the adaptation of successful novels is still a powerful force at the box office!

And Brandon Gray of said, “This is a huge opening, no asterisk!”

We at the Ghost Radio blog have been pleased that many Twilight readers are embracing Ghost Radio.  And we will continue to cover this story because we feel its an important one for a segment of the industry that we care deeply about.