Nearly One in Five Italians Trust Sorcerers!


Embarrassed about your obsession with sorcery?  Maybe a trip to Italy should be in the offing.  Well, if the following story from the AFP is to be believe:

ROME (AFP) – Nearly 18 percent of the Italian population — 11 million people — trusts self-styled sorcerers and healers, a consumer watchdog said in a report Monday.

The group Telefono Antiplagio found more than 16,000 cases of people being scammed by sorcerers and healers since 1994. There are 155,000 sorcerers and healers active in Italy.

Every day, 33,000 people see sorcerers or astrologers in Italy, the study found.

The top reason for seeing a sorcerer is to soothe a broken heart (46 percent), followed by health problems (25 percent), violence (22 percent) and trouble at work (seven percent).


One Response to “Nearly One in Five Italians Trust Sorcerers!”

  1. […] then moved onto Italian sorcerers, Japanese robots, an Australian actor and three nightmares on Elm […]

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