Peter Jackson’s Tintin Movie Likely to be “The Seven Crystal Balls”


CHUD is reporting that Peter Jackson is leaning toward The Seven Crystal Balls as the basis for his Tintin movie.  This will be done as a sequel to The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn which Steven Spielberg is directing.

Tintin is a Beligian comic which ran from 1929-1976.  It was the creation of cartoonist Georges Remi under the pen name Hergé, a play on his initials.   The Tintin stories mix comedy and adventure in an infectious combination which has thrilled fans all over the world for decades.  Hergé’s art style is a mix of cartoonish characters against more realistic backgrounds.  He is especially noted for his drawings of airplanes and other vehicles which are rendered with great accuracy.


Tintin has been brought to the screen before in both animated and live action films.  The last live action film was Tintin et les oranges bleues (Tintin and the Blue Oranges), a French production based on an original script, released in 1964.  His last animated film was Tintin et le lac aux requins (Tintin and the Lake of Sharks), also from an original script.  It was released in 1972.  Tintin also had a several animated television series.  The last one aired from 1991-92.

The Spielberg/Jackson Tintin movies will be shot utilizing CGI motion capture technology.

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