New Ghost Photo from Haunted Church!

From the website MY GHOST EXPERIENCES comes this intriguing photo:


The author of the website offers this infromation:

The photographer, Rich McInnis, did not see anything on the stairway when he snapped the photo. He was shocked to see the image after taking the film to a one-hour photo development service. A few days after this photo was taken, I was leading a tour of elementary school students through the church. I had not told them about the image in the photo, but four girls began screaming that they had seen the ghost of a woman with black hair and a white dress standing in the exact same spot where the image on the photo appeared. The entire class panicked and the teacher had a fit after seeing her normally well-behaved class go completely out of control.

For more information click here.

3 Responses to “New Ghost Photo from Haunted Church!”

  1. My close friend swears that she (and all of the women in her family) can see ghosts, though they cannot hear what they are saying when they talk. I asked her if she had ever tried to take a picture of a ghost, and she said it never occurred to her, but that she was worried it would make them mad. I wonder if that’s true…

  2. Howard Young Says:

    Looks like dust highlighted by the Sun.

  3. Could be.

    I’m always skeptical of any “ghost photos” which feature glass in the frame. Reflections from glass can create a lot of interesting in effects.

    I think it might be an accidental “ghost class” effect.

    But we thought it was interesting enough to post.

    And it can be fun just to enjoy an image like this before you put your skeptical cap on.

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